1. Go on a roadtrip, driving randomly all over the USA with no real goal in mind, just fun. Visit fun random things no one knows about, like the World's Largest Ball of Paint, the World's Largest Ball of Twine, go see a movie at The Spud Drive-In and take our pictures with a bunch of potato-themed objects...maybe add some shoes to the Shoe Tree.
2. Make sure to do all of the above in a motorcycle/sidecar getup. Get matching leather jackets with elaborate back embroidery complete with our biker chick names...something to the tune of "Oily Digs" and "Motormouth Sue". The only shirts we'll pack will be old bowling shirts. And before we leave we'll get bad haircuts and watch a bunch of old episodes of Roseanne so we'll be nice and mouthy for the road.
3. Have our own internet cartoon that rocks through America, even if it's only a short-lived fame. Something to the tune of Homestarrunner, toothpastefordinner, or explodingdog. All of those were winners back in my day.
4. Play more pranks on people we love. I feel like Manthony had it easy in college. What's a little roadkill in your bed and closet? pssh. Who cares if we drove a car right up to his dorm winodw and blasted the horn while he was sleeping? nothing. And a live chicken pooping in his bathroom over a long weekend? I'm sure the clean up wasn't much. We could've gone bigger and better. And spread the love. I don't think we picked on Meredith or Christy enough.
5. More random moments doing childish things like swinging, puddlejumping (with Christy!), blowing bubbles, and picking dandelions.
6. Make a bunch of bagged lunches and just drive around passing them out to panhandlers. Or walk around, so that we could get to know them.
7. Infiltrate Taylor University -- maybe we could've found out when new-student orientation was and joined one of their orientation groups so that we could pose as Taylor students for an undetermined period of time, gain their trust, learn nothing of real value b/c we're not REALLY spies, just pretending to be...and then when we decide, jump up and reveal our IWU tshirts and yell something about knowing all we needed to know and now they'd be going down before we ran off laughing, HA! WE FOOLED THEM!!
8. I know once we switched rooms in Manthony and David's townhouse....what if we thought bigger, and had a crew of people to help us? What if we switched two entire DORMS?! Evans/Hodson, or Shatford/Bowman....i wonder if they would've just left it that way, or if they would actually switch it back.
9. Taken more awesome pictures together. Played with cameras.
10. Had more sleepovers. Hair dying, pie-baking, empire records-watching, giggling with Meres, making up codenames for people we barely know or care about but still feel the need to unknowingly draw into our circles of existance....yes. More of that, please.
College was definitely well-spent because of you, Meres, Christy, MJ, and others. Believe me, we lived it up! I miss that in my life.
I love the Taylor NSO the best -- that would have been amazing!
I KNOW! and my high school best friend TOTALLY led one of those groups and i am sure i could've convinced her to let us be taylor posers...i cant believe i didnt think of this 8 years ago. what's wrong with me?!
next time you're in indiana, let's do the ball of paint. i bet we could get meredith to come out just for that. she totally would.
:) You make me smile!
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