
Salt 'n' Pepper

Something horrible and devastating has happened!!!

I found my first gray hair!!!!!!!! GASP!

I was sitting at my computer, minding my own business, just playing with my hair and I had to stop and look closer because there was one hair--one evil, awful hair--that was not only a strikingly different color, but also much thicker and a different texture than the rest of my hair. That's because it was (*dun dun dunnnnnnn*) a gray hair.

I immediately yanked it out because I'll not stand for that kind of riff-raff. I don't want the rest of my hair getting any funny ideas or picking up bad habits from the rotten apple.

If you don't believe me, I saved it and put it in an envelope. Just in case.


crossn81 said...

BIG MISTAKE... once you pull it out they somehow multiply...

Anonymous said...

Not true -- hormones control color, not hair follicles! I read this on the "old wives' tales" commercial in my doctor's office.

eyes on europe said...

yeah sarah! i knew it couldn't be true, but i didnt have the science to back it up.

.meredith. said...

I think grey hair is HOT.