
a thousand things

a thousand things happen each day that cause my stomach to lurch a little as i realize that either sarah, meredith, or jon would've shared the humor in the situation with me and unfortunately there's no one else in this town, county, or state that could manage to understand my thought process and/or enjoyment.


Anonymous said...

I feel the same way about having no one to laugh with about stuff. It sucks.

Jon said...

I've been wondering about your comments on blogs as of late. This post just confirms my suspicions. You're friendsick.

Anonymous said...

SO you could come out here and start over. The Pidcoes have a kitten and a bunk just for you. We have no kitten and a room just for you. If you think we're just patronizing and not serious, you're dead wrong. What will it take to get you out here?!