
A post for Carl to Reroute his Thoughts

1. Oh man...I hope everything works out in the gravy-est of ways. I somehow feel that I own some of the blame because back in the day I coined the term "Uncle Carl."

2. OK. this cat i got from you, Dallas......what the heck. she has this yearly personality about-face, I've decided. when i moved from my 1st apt to my 2nd, she went from being schizo/purry to being this little shadow of a cat that was scared of all things human and constantly hid in corners. she'd come out into the light until someone acted like they might think about petting her, and then she ran away. she liked her new friend niner just fine, jezebel she stayed away from (and rightfully so). but people? no. only about twice a month, very late at night, by herself in the bedroom....(hahahaha, this makes me laugh) would she let me pet her. and maybe squeak out a couple minor purrs.

so this past week i moved again to my 3rd apartment. as soon as stuff started going back in boxes dallas started warming up. the more stuff was packed, the happier she got. the more friendly she became. i kind of expected the new optimism to fade away once i got into the new place and started unpacking. no, no it hasn't. dallas is so overjoyed to be back in marion county that it's ridiculous. she's my bcf* again.

cats are weird, man. especially when their biological fathers are carl. er, well.

*best cat forever


Textual Harassment said...

Thanks. So I guess they're going to get married now. Yay? :/

Cats ARE weird. I have a kitten now who is so overly friendly. He licks all the time and is very annoying.

eyes on europe said...

yeah, but you love him anyways because he makes you feel important and needed.

because if it weren't for you, he might be licking poopy or something.

thank you for saving cats from licking poopy.